The picture below is of the completed Fireplace Surround, Direct Vent Conversion, FireGlass installation and the FireBalls Looks great!
Click "HERE" or on the picture below to see how this was made and installed.

Here is a fireplace before and after with Clear and a splash of Ice

The fireplace below is a before and after and a "how to" make it low and lean. A more contemporary look. This is a self install by Rich Kamins and one very nice job!. He used a Bronze Base Glass and Bronze Reflective Base Glass Topped with a bit of Starfire Base Glass. Ice Ice Ice Topper and about 2 pounds of Copper Ruby Red Topper for a splash of color.
Typical nasty fireplace before Moderustic!
A few bricks and some drywall
Some sand under the burner for filler to raise the base glass.
And here you have one nice finished fireplace.

The fireplace below has a Starfire base with Red Toppings, Red Toppers, Scarlet Red Toppers and Ice

The fireplace below is a self install with a 2" base of
crushed lava
18 18 double burner
This next self install is a 10 picture install with :
Azurlite, Clear, Blue Green, BluE Green Reflective, Ice Clear, Ice Blue. Very nice fireplace.

The fire pit below was a traditional lava rock fire pit

Now filled with lava rock (crushed 1/4" 3/8") over 3/8" 1/2" crushed. Remember the larger is under the smaller to keep the glass from falling through.

Above a flex line was installed to raise the ring to the surface. You don't want to leave the ring at the bottom unless you want an explosion or if you want to get rid of the significant other.
Pour more crushed lava to make the desired shape of the fire pit and test burn for flame pattern.

Starfire base and a few other colors were added
Azurlite, Scarlet Topper, Red Topping, Ice, Copper Blue Topper, Copper Blue is a chameleon as when it gets hot it turns green and when it cools it turns back to blue!

Patterns, can you do better?
Pretty creative!

Great job and very creative.

The fireplace below has Starfire, Ice and Copper Ruby Red.

The fireplace below has Black, Black Reflective and ICE on top

The fireplace below is a ventless with a steel pan and a stainless face added to cover the controls. The glass is Azurlite with Ice Ice Ice. Ahhhhh the beauty of no logs! Really!

Can you honestly say logs look good?
The fireplace below has Starfire and Ice Ice Ice installed with a really cool ceramic tile on the face. Nice job!
The fireplace below is a propane burner, self installation with the 2" method, Starfire and Gold on top

Above we have the old burner with a smaller flame pattern which we will change to a double burner in our tray propane pan burner

A little bit of cleaning with a wire brush and 1200 degree paint

We filled the bottom with pea gravel and the covered it with sand

Then we installed the propane burner and filler it with pea gravel to the top of the burners

You can see the pilot light and thermo-coupler exposed

So there it is. A clean burning propane burner, 2" method, no soot, no smells, no carbon monoxide and it puts out a tremendous amount of heat. We sell the 2" method because it works and if anyone tries to tell you different, they need your money more than you do. We are the only company building propane burners for glass that don't soot or smell!
This is a self install with a Clear base, Lagoon Topper, Pale Emerald Green Topper and Ice
above the burner goes in
below the lava goes on the burner. Then magically the lava disappears! We use the 2" method to save money not gouge the customer as we here this everyday how customers are taken by BS!
The next fire table was built by Brian Johnson of Omaha Nebraska, very nice! We supplied the components and Brian did the hard part, the table.
The blue is actually food coloring.

The fireplace below is in San Diego, California and the colors used were:
The end pictures show that the burner was too close the wall which was an easy fix by moving the burner forward.
This is where is went a little bit wrong, oops. We just had them move the burner forward and now its fine and the back wall was repainted.

The fireplace below has a Clear base with Blue Green and Blue Green Reflective on top.
Above and below you can see there was about 2 lbs added of our Ice.
Now for the after pictures! This was a custom propane burner which was under all of the glass!
This is what Patti had to say:
Hi Ed,
Well, it's been about two weeks since I installed the new fireplace, and it is the talk of this sleepy little town. Because of the "ice" on the top, it has been nicknamed the "
Fire and Ice" fireplace. I just placed an order for a pound each of
1/4" Gold Base Glass,
Yellow Amber Topper and
Clear Ice Ice Ice Topper. I think it needs a smidgen more color, and since the
Ice Ice Ice Topper is the big feature, I decided to add a little more. I have to say, I didn't think I would like the ice, but it looks amazing!
Thank you Ed and Jimmy for all of your help and hand holding over the past few months. I will take more pictures when I add the new products.
Thanks again,