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Steel Blue G253CF Topper-

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Steel Blue

steel blue

The fireplace below has a Starfire base and several Toppers for color:

Pink, Cobalt Blue, Fuchsia, Hyacinth, Amethyst, Pale Cobalt Blue, Aquamarine, Lilac, Steel Blue and Purple.





Now we added a surround to finish it off. If you look on the lower right there is a remote control which is hidden by the surround.





The fireplace below is in San Diego, California and the colors used were:
and a little bit of Ice Ice Ice Topper on top

The end pictures show that the burner was too close the wall which was an easy fix by moving the burner forward.
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This is where is went a little bit wrong, oops. We just had them move the burner forward and now its fine and the back wall was repainted.
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Hi Ed,

I finally managed to finish the fireplace. We have decided to place a 2" piece of metal in front (which hasn't been done yet), though, to keep the glass off the ledge. We thought it would be deep enough, but that didn't quite work.

To enable me to keep the center area smooth, we had to place the burner on top of the wall pipe, which created a rather high burner placement. This ended up creating a bit of a problem because I had a steep slope to the hearth. This is why I need to add the metal strip in front--so the glass doesn't roll down and come out of the fireplace. We had decided to not have a glass door on it, although if we find something we really like, that could change.

 The pics might come in 2-3 e-mails, but I'll describe them here. The first few pics are duplicates of ones I already sent you.

1. Original fireplace, emptied out.

2-3. After painting with the dark blue from the chart you guys gave us. The wall was painted to match, although, I'm not sure I really like it. I'm trying to reserve judgement until I see it for awhile.

The damper handle is a brass duck head which wasn't even noticeable when it was all black.

4-5.New burner in place. This created more problems than expected due to the wall pipe being higher than most. We ended up using regular lava rock, since we couldn't find the smaller rocks. Then we added small pea gravel to fill in gaps around the lava rock. After the burner was finally level, we added the sand.

6. Testing the burner with sand added.

7. Clear glass base added.

8. Rest of colors were added--starfire, azurlite, cranberry-pink, with a little steel blue topper and a few ice cubes.

9-10. All finished and burning.

We're still working on the right side of this wall which has cabinets holding the TV and storage. Once the entire wall is finished, I'll send you one final pic of the entire wall. Not sure how soon that will happen, so don't wait for it, if you want to post these pics on your website.

I want to thank you for all your help. Your store was great to visit, so we could pick our glass out in person. Your staff was very helpful and we had a great time making our final color choices. I'll will definitely recommend you to others.

Judi Weers  

Senior Instructor for Art Clay  

PMC Certified e mail any comments or questions to Judi

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The fireplace below belongs to Ross Barnett in Florida. This was a ventless propane installation. Ross built a front wave design and we built a special wedge pan with the controls underneath. This is a remote control ventless burner. Great job Ross! The glass that was uses was:
Black and Black Reflective
Gray and Gray Reflective
Aquamarine Topper
Copper Blue Topper
Light Blue Tubes
Cobalt Blue Topper
Pale Cobalt Blue Topper
and here are the before and after pictures.
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Above is before the wave
and below is the wave before out ventless burner was installed.
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What makes us different from anyone else is that we allow you to exercise your imagination. If you see it, dream it, draw it, imagine it we can build it for you. Ross saw what we did for other customers and he came up with this very cool design for us to build for his family room, thanks Ross!
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The fireplace below is a propane fireplace with a propane burner and remote control. We used a Clear base with Starfire on top. Then we added:

Medium Amber Topping,

Yellow Amber Topper,

Steel Blue Topper,

Dark Red Orange Topper over the base glass. The controls were covered after the install was finished. If you look closely you can see the pilot light assembly.

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The fire pit below belongs to Mike DeVito in Northern California. When I saw his idea I was excited to help him create something new and wonderful. He took a very old mining cart in his front yard and we helped him convert it to a propane burning fire pit! Turned out pretty cool! Next he is getting a fire pit cover made to cover it from debris and who else knows what.
We use a FPPK (fire pit propane kit) with valves, thermo coupler, pilot light and air mixer. The glass that was use is:
Starfire base glass over a bed of crushed lava rock,
Yellow Amber Topper
Steel Blue Topper
Turquoise Blue Topper
Green Tubes
Copper Ruby Red Topper
Ice Ice Ice
and of course our Diamonds in Clear, Pink, Amber and Blue.
I think this is one really nice idea!
It is all supplied by this 20 lb propane tank
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Here is the mining cart with the base plate installed with the burners
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Here you see the controls, air mixer and thermo coupler and pilot light lines under the base plate
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You can use a larger (3/4", 1" lava) as a base under our 1/4" crushed lava as this will save you a few dollars.
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Now we pour on the crushed lava to keep the glass from sinking into the larger lava.
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Add some Starfire
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Splash a few colors
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Have your spouse light it in case something should go wrong! (Just Kidding)
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Again here are the first pictures we saw of the mining cart. Great Idea!
Mike, you did a great job!
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The fire pit below is in Canada. We used a Black base with Steel Blue Topper on top with Black Luster as well. A double stainless steel "H" burner and a marine grade fire pit cover.
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    Steel Blue G253CF

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

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