This is a topping.

The fire pit below has a Clear Base Glass with Azurlite Base Glass and Ford Blue Base Glass on top. Then it was topped with Dark Red Orange Topper, Yellow Amber Topper and Amber Topping.

The fire pit below has a Clear base with 1/4" Starfire Base Glass and 1/2" Starfire Base Glass, Yellow Amber Topper. Cobalt Blue Topper and Emerald Green Topper and a little bit of ICE ICE ICE Topper. The earth as the back yard and a lot of friends, wow!

The pictures below are of:
Bronze Base Glass, Dark Red Orange Topper, Gold Base Glass, Amber Topping, Scarlet Red Topper and Diamonds. The back of the fireplace was done with Ceramic tiles.Very nice and in Palm Springs.
The fireplace below has a bed of Bronze Base Glass with Amber Base Glass, Yellow Amber Topper and Dark Red Orange Topper. The FireShapes finished it off.
The fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass with Amber Topping, Pink Topping and Orange Toppings.

The Fireplace below has a Clear Base Glass with Light Yellow Topping.
The first pictures shows how it started and as you scroll down you can see the transformation. Very Nice!
The fireplace below has:
A Clear Base Glass with Pale Lime Green Topper, Red Toppings, Yellow Amber Toppers and Toppings, Copper Ruby Red Topper, and a hint of Starfire Base Glass to lighten the color up.

This is how easy it is to install. This is all glass and if you need to build it up a little or a lot then use a filler to save money
The 6 fireplace pictures below have Starfire Base Glass, Amber Base Glass and a Surround. This is in Texas and is a customer install. Very nice Rodney.

Yellow 1120