Industrial Metal Bar and Moderustic Water Fire Feature Table!
Episode DYCR-405H
Click here to see the show schedual!
An engineer's yard turns into an industrial paradise with a custom metal bar at the centerpiece with a little help from host and licensed landscape contractor Ahmed Hassan. Different types of metal are mixed to create a unique bar structure with rustic concrete counters and a steel awning overhead. A fire/water feature functions as another social gathering area and a cedar hot tub tucked into the landscaping creates a private oasis for two.
Here are the pictures of one of our newest product. The fire , water are lighting features! This was installed in Sacramento in November of 2009and soon to air in HGTV and DIY Network on the Yard Crashers show. We will show you from start to finish.

Below you can see where the utilities were located.

The contractor dug in 4 inches in the ground to inset the table.

Here is where it started in the front driveway.

Above and below is the home owner and Ahmed and the crew had her and her husband work both days working on all aspects of the project.

Below they started to attach the backer board.

Below, this is the top framing of the table.

The base was brought to the back yard where our basin tank was installed.

Below "Jim" the contractor was laying the tile out.

Below, looking north you can see where the hot tub was installed.

Below is the outdoor bar with cast concrete top. They also installed fiber optic lighting as you will see soon enough.

Below the electrician install the GFI electrical plug for the water pump and lighting. We also installed a an auto fill for the bottom tank.

Here is the almost finished insert.

Below Ahmed pours the glass (Bronze Reflective Base Glass) into the center bowl.

Above and below they installed the Amber Diamonds and Clear Ice Ice Ice Topper.

Above you see Ahmed adding color!
Below you can now see the effects of the color. You can add any color you like!

Below you can see the Fibre Optics!

Below are several pictures after we finished the project at 7:30pm! Ahmed always is having a great time.

We have worked with Ahmed and the crew of Yard Crashers on several shows and they are wonderful and fun to work with.

Ahmed was very pleased with the turn out of this project. We are planning several more projects for the Yard Crashers shows in the future. We promise to make each new project and feature more exciting than the previous one. We are trying to debut one one of a kind unique project for the Yard Crashers shows. Hopefully this makes you come back show after show.

Fire Water Feature is recomended by DIY/ Yard Crashers!
Click Here to see the finished project along with videos!
(There will be a short commercial before the video)
The fire pit below is going to be installed in Sacramento on 11 14 09 for the Yard Crashers/ DIY/ HGTV show. After it is and has been installed we will post pictures on the Yard Crashers page. In the mean time here is the how to and why. We can build any size, shape, design feature you desire. We build to your imagination.
Below is the catch basin to hold the water for the feature

Above you see the auto fill?
Below the water pump is now install below.

Below the top pan is in place for testing with the fire and water bowls in place

Below the stainless steel ring is installed.

Below the glass (Bronze Base Glass) has been installed and the lights turned on.
Below you can see the pump has been turned on.

and now the fire.

We placed a card board template to replicate the table top to conceal the lights as well.

Now we add color to the water!

Here is the feature exposed with the blue water. You can change the water to any color you like.

This feature is only 6 1/2" tall. You can mount this under the table top and keep it only an inch or so above the surface of the table top.

So let's change it to red water and add Starfire Base Glass.

Remember, we build to your imagination!

The finished pictures will be posted on the Yard Crashers page when this project is installed after 11 14 09!
"CLICK HERE to see the "Yard Crashers" Sacramento show!" See this feature finished here!
The Fire Table below was installed in Sacramento California by and for Yard Crashers. The finished pictures will be posted on the Yard Crashers page when this project is installed after 01 20 10. This episode was to be labeled "Outdoor Shower" on HGTV and the DIY Network but somehow it was labeled "Modern Fire Wall" go figure? It is episode 302 on HGTV or DIY Network. The details will be shown on the DIY page when and as soon as we receive them from the producers. We built a square aluminum pan with an 18" double stainless steel ring and used one of our FPPK kits for the propane fuel. This will be shown on the episode coverage as well. Here are the pictures of the back yard and the finished fire table using propane.

Click Here to see the finished project along with videos!
The next fire table was built by Brian Johnson of Omaha Nebraska, very nice! We supplied the components and Brian did the hard part, the table.
We don't have the construction pictures but we do have the table finished. Add
Bronze Base Glass and to pit with 1 lb of Ice Ice Ice Topper, you are done.
The blue is actually food coloring.