Rhubarb Pink Green G278CF Topper.The fireplace below has Starfire, Rhubarb Topper, Gold and Green Pyrite.
The fireplace below is a self install with a bed of crushed lava and on top we have:
1 double 24" burner
1/4" Pink Rosa base glass
5 lbs of 1/8" Solex base glass
5 lbs 3/16 Amber base glass
5 lbs Bronze Rust Copper
1 lb of Pink Diamonds
and 1 lb of Rhubarb Pink G278CF Topper
and painted with clay tan paint
For a lava fill n the base it needs to be back at least 4" so when you pour the glass on you won't see the lava through the glass. Yes they did move the lava back after they e mailed the pictures to us to see if they were doing it right.
The fire table/ fire pit below is in Texas and was designed with our glass in mind to be installed and it has a Black base,
Purple Topper,
Black Luster Topper,
Rhubarb Topper,
and Bronze Topper.
Price: $28.50[View Details or Buy Now]