The fire pit below was a traditional lava rock fire pit
Now filled with lava rock (crushed 1/4" 3/8") over 3/8" 1/2" crushed. Remember the larger is under the smaller to keep the glass from falling through.
Above a flex line was installed to raise the ring to the surface. You don't want to leave the ring at the bottom unless you want an explosion or if you want to get rid of the significant other.
Pour more crushed lava to make the desired shape of the fire pit and test burn for flame pattern.
Starfire base and a few other colors were added
Azurlite, Scarlet Topper, Red Topping, Ice, Copper Blue Topper, Copper Blue is a chameleon as when it gets hot it turns green and when it cools it turns back to blue!
Patterns, can you do better?
Pretty creative!
Great job and very creative.
The fire table below has a propane burner and is not configured correctly. That is why you will see soot (carbon monoxide) the black stuff on the glass. If you purchased a table from one of these clowns that have you connect a propane tank to a burner ring, you will have problems. We use all the proper safety valves and air mixers to insure a clean and safe burn. See our propane page. We are the only company manufacturing a propane burner that is safe and built correctly for these fire tables when you are using our glass. The glass used was starfire and pale blue topper. Since and after the install we did supply the correct burner and it is burning clean as it should be.
As you can see after burning for about 10 minutes the soot is and will be an issue. Carbon monoxide IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU!
The fireplace below is a direct vent self install by Norm. The colors used were: Starfire base, Cobalt Blue Topper, Pale Cobalt Blue Topper, Ice Ice Ice, Pale Gray Topper, Gray Topper and Copper Blue Topper.
We use a piece of stainless steel in the front to contain the glass to cover the burners and keep the glass level.
The fireplace below has a starfire base with pale copper blue topper and blue tubes topper.
The fireplace below belongs to Ross Barnett in Florida. This was a ventless propane installation. Ross built a front wave design and we built a special wedge pan with the controls underneath. This is a remote control ventless burner. Great job Ross! The glass that was uses was:
Black and Black Reflective
Gray and Gray Reflective
Aquamarine Topper
Copper Blue Topper
Light Blue Tubes
Cobalt Blue Topper
Pale Cobalt Blue Topper
and here are the before and after pictures.
Above is before the wave
and below is the wave before out ventless burner was installed.
What makes us different from anyone else is that we allow you to exercise your imagination. If you see it, dream it, draw it, imagine it we can build it for you. Ross saw what we did for other customers and he came up with this very cool design for us to build for his family room, thanks Ross!
The fireplace below a starfire base with
Copper Blue Topper
Cobalt Blue Topper
Dark Red Orange Topper
Cherry Red Topper
Jade Green Topper
Lime Green Topper
Lime Green Topper
Black Topper
and Lilac Topper
What make us different from anyone else is what we offer you as a selection. We offer hundreds of colors, sizes, textures, variations, categories and more importantly we set the standard which everyone else can only try to imitate us. We welcome your comments and suggestions so please send us your comments.Imitation is the highest form of flattery, thank you.
The fire pit below has a clear base glass,
Cobalt Blue Topper,
Copper Blue Topper and
Azurlite base glass for one very nice fire pit and back yard!
The fire pit below is a custom fire pit in Covina California with one really great back yard design. This back yard was designed for great parties. If you look and see the glass wall with the etching you will also see the fire pit in the back ground. The glass that was used: Gray and Clear Pyrite base glass Gold Reflective Copper Blue Topper This is one really good looking table.
The next fireplace was a self installation by Chris in Palm Springs California. He used about 3" of a sand base under the Starfire base glass. Then he added: