Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces 909 989 6129


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Medium Amber 1137 Topping

Medium Amber 1137 Topping

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medium amber 1137 1



The 5 pictures below are a starfire base with deep royal and amber on top

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The 5 pictures above are a starfire base with deep royal and amber on top

Fire pit below has:

Bronze base, 3/16 amber, Bronze reflective and yellow topper.

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The fireplace below has a customer built burner (works just fine) and amber. It could of been painted to improve on the insallation

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We are now starting a page for some of our television promotions we have sponsored this season.

The first is:

Zen-Inspired Master Bedroom

Here are a few pictures and the rest can be seen on the link above.

This fireplace has:

1/4 clear, 1/4 starfire, 1/2 clear, 1/2 starfire, amber topping and topper, red topping and topper and pale orange topper

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We will be posting several television spots as soon as we have the time.

The fire pit below has clear, starfire, amber topping, amber topper and dark red orange topper.

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florida 6

Medium Amber

The 6 fireplace pictures below have starfire, amber and a surround. This is in Texas and is a customer install. Very nice Rodney.

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The fire pit below has a clear base with azurlite and ford blue on top. Then it was topped with Dark Red Orange Topper, Yellow Amber Topper and Amber Topping.

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mast 3

The pictures below are of:
Bronze, Dark Red Orange Topper, Gold, Amber Topping, Scarlet Red and Diamonds. The back of the fireplace was done with Ceramic tiles.Very nice and in Palm Springs.



The fireplace below has a bed of bronze with amber, yellow amber and dark red orange. The FireShapes finished it off.
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The fireplace below has a starfire base with amber, pink and orange toppings.

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The fireplace below is a propane pan burner with a lava rock fill. You don't want to crush your own lava rock because of the time. You can use larger lava around the edges of the pan but you will want to use crushed lava in the pan up to the surface of the burners. The glass use in this fireplace was a ford blue base with ford blue reflective on top. Topped with clear pyrite and amber accents. The install went very well except for the rock crushing episode.
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The fireplace below  is a propane fireplace with a propane burner and remote control. We used a clear base with starfire on top. Then we added:

Medium Amber Topping,

Yellow Amber Topper,

Steel Blue Topper,

Dark Red Orange Topper over the base glass. The controls were covered after the install was finished. If you look closely you can see the pilot light assembly.

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Price: $21.00

[View Details or Buy Now] 909 989 6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

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Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces