Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces 909 989 6129


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Cherry Red G74FR Topper
The pictures below are of a self install with:

1/4" and 1/2" Bronze, 1/4" and 1/2" Starfire

Red Topper

Red Topping and about 1 lb of Scarlet Red Topper.


The pictures below are of:
Bronze, Dark Red Orange Topper, Gold, Amber Topping, Scarlet Red and Diamonds. The back of the fireplace was done with Ceramic tiles.Very nice and in Palm Springs.

The fireplace below has a starfire base with red and red orange toppings, Scarlett toppers, copper ruby red toppers. As you can see the fireplace was 5" deep and 54" wide and yes we did fill it with crushed lava rock.

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The fireplace below was on the outside wall of the fireplace above. We also had a starfire base with red and red orange toppings, Scarlett toppers, copper ruby red toppers. This fireplace was filled 4" to save on the cost of the base glass. If anyone ever tries to tell you different, well tell them *#@!+$% their wrong! This fireplace was also 54" across the front as well.

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The fire pit below has a starfire base with ice on top. This is a concrete molded fire pit at the same home as above in Pasadena, California. Later there was 30 lbs of red added and maybe we can get more pictures.

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The fireplace below a starfire base with

Copper Blue Topper

Cobalt Blue Topper

Dark Red Orange Topper

Cherry Red Topper

Jade Green Topper

Lime Green Topper

Lime Green Topper

Black Topper

and Lilac Topper

What make us different from anyone else is what we offer you as a selection. We offer hundreds of colors, sizes, textures, variations, categories and more importantly we set the standard which everyone else can only try to imitate us. We welcome your comments and suggestions so please send us your comments.Imitation is the highest form of flattery, thank you.

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The fireplace below is a self install with a Hanover Red back ground, The glass that was used is a Clear base with Starfire on top. The Red and Orange Toppers were applied. Jon and Liz Kleinman even labeled their pictures for us.
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Then the Starfire and toppers were added.
jon 1

                                           The next fireplace was installed by Ken Kenoyer. He constructed his own pan for his Direct Vent Fireplace conversion with our supervision. We will go through the steps to complete his installation. The glass that was used was Starfire base glass and topped with Red Topping and Red Topper. We will explain as we move forward.

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Above is your fireplace now (if you like logs).

Below is your burner system that came with your wonderful Direct Vent Fireplace and logs.

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Below is a pictures of your pilot light system

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Below we have removed the "stuff" and exposed the pilot and gas connection.

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Royce built a pan to fit the fireplace.

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Below he cut the pan out to accept the pilot light.

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Connected the gas line.

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Tested the burner.

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Pour the glass and your done! If anyone has told you that you can't convert a direct vent fireplace then these pictures and project don't exist! Just because they don't know what or how to do it, doesn't mean it can't be done.

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The glass face is back on and it looks much better. A very nice and simple Self Installation!

Royce Kenoyer 14



Price: $41.80

[View Details or Buy Now] 909 989 6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

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