Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces 909 989 6129

Self Installation Guide

2” Installation Guide

First we would like to thank you for choosing Aquatic Glassel fireplace glass and now for the good stuff.

Clean your fireplace and wire brush if needed to remove any soot build up. Wipe the surfaces clean with a dry cloth to remove any dust. If you are painting mask off the areas you don’t want any paint on. Spray your paint and remove the masking.

Now you want to hook up your burner and place it in the center of the fireplace. Turn the gas on and light it to check that you have the flame pattern in the center and going up and not lapping on the back wall. This will cause soot and look like do-do. Now you have found the general location for the burner. Pour in about 2” (you can use as much as you want) of crushed lava rock and maintain about 3” to 4” from the front of the fireplace. Keep the front clear of lava rock and sand, as we don’t want it to show through. Pull the burner to the top and light it again to insure the pattern has not changed. Now cover the burner and lava rock with sand, brush the burner of any sand and light it again. Checking for the flame pattern again. Looks good? Now your ready to pour the glass on the lava rock and sand base. Starting from the front to back to keep the lava rock from mixing in the glass. Now you’re done unless you are topping off with another color. We recommend you do this slowly as it looks better if you take your time. We also have found that if you do this at nighttime it makes more sense as you can see the actual effects of the fire and the toppings.

In the event you want to remove the topping at a later time, use a shop vacuum to remove the top layer. We put tape on the end to make the hole smaller as not to suck up the complete fireplace of glass. Save this glass you just removed for use later in time. Now you can re-decorate with a few pounds of another color to change the entire look of your fireplace.


We at Moderustic and Producers of Aquatic Glassel and the inventors of Fireplace Glass, are proud to offer the consumer almost 400 products and we know we have spawned a few undesirable competitors in the market place but we continue on our quest for betterment and greater success through you the customer. We have been criticized for offering the crushed lava rock and or filler method by all of these other companies. But we understand the wants and needs of the customer, you. Spend less and get more. Some of these companies are telling the consumer to not use filler, why? They only want to fill their pockets with your money and we want you to save money. We know we have devastated these companies with our filler saving methods but it is with the best intentions for the consumer in mind. We have refused to sell to these individuals and companies because of their business practices. So please understand their intentions when they want you to purchase more glass. We take pride in our new product and take Patent Infringement very seriously! There are several companies who have copied our product and or process and they will be in for a surprise when our patent number becomes available to the public and they will find their business in ruin. If you are a previous or new customer and would like to add your comments on these companies or your experience, we will post a testimonial page for these to be read by the public. If you would like to post just your comments, they are welcome as well. Again, we work for the consumer and not the competition.


Here is another tip on How to correctly install a natural gas burner.
A picture is worth a thousand words, here are three thousand words!
Correct Burner Connection 1
Correct Burner Connection 2
Correct Burner Connection 3 909 989 6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

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Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces