Lilac G270CF Topper.
ID code: Lilac G270CF Topper.

The fireplace below has a Starfire base and several toppers for color:
Pink, Cobalt Blue, Fuchsia, Hyacinth, Amethyst, Pale Cobalt Blue, Aquamarine, Lilac, Steel Blue and Purple.

Now we added a surround to finish it off. If you look on the lower right there is a remote control which is hidden by the surround.

The fireplace below is in San Diego, California and the colors used were:
Cobalt Blue Topper
Steel Blue Topper
Cranberry Pink Topping
Purple Topper
Lilac Topper
Deep Royal Topping
Clear Base
Solex and Solex Reflective
Azurlite and Azurlite Reflective
Blue Green and Blue Green Reflective
and a little bit of Ice Ice Ice on top
The end pictures show that the burner was too close the wall which was an easy fix by moving the burner forward.
This is where is went a little bit wrong, oops. We just had them move the burner forward and now its fine and the back wall was repainted.
The fireplace below a starfire base with
Copper Blue Topper
Cobalt Blue Topper
Dark Red Orange Topper
Cherry Red Topper
Jade Green Topper
Lime Green Topper
Lime Green Topper
Black Topper
and Lilac Topper
What make us different from anyone else is what we offer you as a selection. We offer hundreds of colors, sizes, textures, variations, categories and more importantly we set the standard which everyone else can only try to imitate us. We welcome your comments and suggestions so please send us your comments.Imitation is the highest form of flattery, thank you.