1/4" Starfire

Starfire with Amber on top

Starfire with Red, Orange and Amber

Azurlite with Starfire above

Starfire above and below

Bronze base with Bronze Reflective Topped with Starfire
above and below

Below is a fire pit with a Clear base with Azurlite and Starfire on top

Fireplace on Red Hill, Andre Silva, just a nice fire, no pan.

This is the same fireplace as above, but we changed it to Starfire and
added an aluminum frame with a special glass.

Again the same fireplace by evening.

By late evening with the glow of the new glass.

The fireplace above is a nice fireplace with Starfire and below we added a new frame

The 5 pictures below are a Starfire base with Deep Royal and Amber on top

The 5 pictures above are a Starfire base with Deep Royal and Amber on top
The 5 pictures below are all Starfire in Newport Beach California

The 5 pictures above are Starfire
The five pictures below are a Starfire base with Ford Blue, Ford Blue Reflective, and V Blue Reflective
and as you can see most fireplaces start very drab.

logs are now gone
below sand and lava rock are poured over the burner

The five pictures above are a Starfire base with Ford Blue, Ford Blue Reflective, and V Blue Reflective
The 6 pictures below are of an antique coal basket using Bronze, Bronze Reflective and Starfire

The 6 pictures above are of an antique coal basket using Bronze, Bronze Reflective and Starfire
The bottom 3 pictures are of a new fireplace surround, Starfire, Pink and Plum

The several pictures below are of a modern coal basket of stainless steel with legs or it can be suspended with chains. This will also be one of our new product lines available in several sizes and finishes. The colors used were Starfire and Clear Pyrite over Bronze.

The pictures below have Ice on the right and Starfire on the left.

The fireplace below has been painted with our red paint and Starfire.

The fireplace below has a larger surround and Starfire installed. Please note the this surround is the metal shell only without the inner frosted glass.

The fire pit below has Ford Blue, Ford Blue Reflective, V Blue, V Blue Reflective, Turquoise Toppings, Deep Royal Toppings and Copper Blue Topper on a bed of 1/4" and 1/2" Starfire

The fireplace below has a Starfire base with Red Toppings, Red Toppers, Scarlet Red Toppers and Ice

The pictures below are of a Starfire base with Black Reflective on top.

The 6 pictures below show a self install with all glass using the original burner which didn't have a bad flame pattern. 1/8" Clear was used as a base and then Starfire was added to the surface saving money and it did look great. It's a simple as that.

The fireplace below has a base of Starfire and Topped with Dark Red Orange

The 6 fireplace pictures below have Starfire, amber and a surround. This is in Texas and is a customer install. Very nice Rodney.

The cool kitchen fireplace below has Starfire and looks really nice in the kitchen. The burner was too close to the back wall and sooted the wall up. Be sure to not let the flames hit the walls as this will cause soot.

The fireplace below has a Starfire base and several Toppers for color:
Pink, Cobalt Blue, Fuchsia, Hyacinth, Amethyst, Pale Cobalt Blue, Aquamarine, Lilac, Steel Blue and Purple.

Now we added a surround to finish it off. If you look on the lower right there is a remote control which is hidden by the surround.

The fireplace below has Starfire and Ice. This is a complete makeover and turned out very nice.

The pictures below are and have Starfire installed.
The fireplace below has Starfire, Ice and Copper Ruby Red.

The fireplace below has Starfire and Ice

The fire pit below has a Clear base with 1/4" Starfire and 1/2" Starfire, Yellow Amber Topper. Cobalt Blue Topper and Emerald Green Topper and a little bit of ICE. The earth as the back yard and a lot of friends, wow!

The fire pit / fireplace below has a Starfire base with Red and Red Orange on top. It is a low flame which produces this blue flame effect.

The fireplace below has Starfire and a clean simple look

The pictures below are of a self install with:
1/4" and 1/2" Bronze, 1/4" and 1/2" Starfire
Red Topper
Red Topping and about 1 lb of Scarlet Red Topper.

The fire table below has a propane burner and is not configured correctly. That is why you will see soot (carbon monoxide) the black stuff on the glass. If you purchased a table from one of these clowns that have you connect a propane tank to a burner ring, you will have problems. We use all the proper safety valves and air mixers to insure a clean and safe burn.
See our propane page. We are the only company manufacturing a propane burner that is safe and built correctly for these fire tables when you are using our glass. The glass used was Starfire and Pale Blue Topper. Since and after the install we did supply the correct burner and it is burning clean as it should be.
As you can see after burning for about 10 minutes the soot is and will be an issue. Carbon monoxide IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU!
The pictures below are of a log converted fireplace in Newport Beach now we can even produce tornadoes! This fireplace has Starfire, Diamonds and a few cool fire tornadoes! We can control the size and duration of these little fire devils!

Great party favors, huh?
The fire pit/ table is at the Roxbury Hotel and we will show you the progress here from beginning to end. This was a propane installation with our FPPK burner. The colors used were:
1/4" Starfire, 1/2" Starfire, Gold, Lime Green Topper, Pale Olive Green Topper, Olive Green Topper,a little bit of wood and tile and here you go!
Above shows the framing and the gas line coming in.
Below shows the pipe coming out of the floor and the thermo-coupler on the glass next to the igniter
Roxbury Hotel, a cool fire pit!
The fireplace below is a before and after with Starfire.

Below is what we started with. We can fix anything!

The fireplace below has a Starfire base with Amber, Pink and Orange Toppings.

The fireplace below has a Starfire base with Black, Azurlite, Azurlite Reflective and a lot of work. Very nice!

The pictures below are of the fire pit on the roof top of the Marriott in downtown San Diego in the Gas Lamp District on the 24th floor, very cool view if your ever there. The 2 half round 24" x 48" stainless steel rings were made custom for this fire pit. The glass that was used was a 50/50 mix of Starfire and Black. Very nice effect along with the view.

The half round burners below were installed at the Marriott "Gas Lamp" San Diego, California in a 72" Fire pit. We will post pictures of the finished project when we get the pictures sent to us. These were 24" x 48" stainless steel half round burners.

The fireplace below has a Starfire base with Pale Copper Blue Topper and Blue Tubes Topper.

The fireplace below has a Starfire base with Black Luster Topper and Scarlet Red Topper for colors
This is where the snowman starts yelling " I'm Melting!"
The fireplace below a Starfire base with
Copper Blue Topper
Cobalt Blue Topper
Dark Red Orange Topper
Cherry Red Topper
Jade Green Topper
Lime Green Topper
Lime Green Topper
Black Topper
and Lilac Topper
What make us different from anyone else is what we offer you as a selection. We offer hundreds of colors, sizes, textures, variations, categories and more importantly we set the standard which everyone else can only try to imitate us. We welcome your comments and suggestions so please send us your comments.Imitation is the highest form of flattery, thank you.

The fireplace below is a propane fireplace with a propane burner and remote control. We used a Clear base with Starfire on top. Then we added:
Medium Amber Topping,
Yellow Amber Topper,
Steel Blue Topper,
Dark Red Orange Topper over the base glass. The controls were covered after the install was finished. If you look closely you can see the pilot light assembly.

The fireplace below has a base or Starfire with a 18" set of calico fire stones, very nice!

The fireplace below was installed in Palm Springs, California. The base glass is Starfire and then we topped it with 1 lb of Pirates Topper.
This is a typical fireplace but this one has lava rock stacked up inside, yuck!
Below you can see the flame hitting the back wall creating a soot mark, not very nice looking. The customer didn't want the fireplace painted, why?
There's that soot mark! If you do paint make sure the work is not spotty! That looks nasty as well.
Above you see the typical hard piped burner installed which is fine for logs or lava. But this does not really work well for glass.
Below you see the double burner installed with an 18" flex line.
Test the burner and pour the glass, now it looks nice except for the soot mark!
Now we added 1 lb of our topper, Pirates!

The fireplace below is a self install with a Hanover Red back ground, The glass that was used is a Clear base with Starfire on top. The Red and Orange Toppers were applied. Jon and Liz Kleinman even labeled their pictures for us.

The fireplace below was assembled by Nadine in Dallas Texas (Elegant Reflections USA) Great job on the skull! The base glass is Starfire and Black base makes up the skull. She also used Clear Diamonds and Clear Crystals from our Toppers.
You can see the Diamonds and Crystals around the outer edge for accents.

The fire table below was built for Dr. Ramsey Burton in Kentucky. We are going to show you from beginning in the shop to the finished product that Ramsey envisioned for his patio. Ramsey did a wonderful job in planing, building and execution of this project. The glass he used was a Starfire base with Ice Ice Ice on top. Here we go:
This was the lay out for the table to come!
these were the pictures we sent Ramsey after assembly and testing of the fire bowl, water pumps and fibre optics. The glass we tested with usually is our Multi Mix. It tends to show off many colors and always looks great.
Above you can see the gas line and electrical
Access panel below.
Below the bowl was fitted.
Don't ever forget to install a trimming valve!
There are 6 colors on Ramsey's color wheel in the fibre optics.
Above and below you can see the cover Ramsey have made to protect the fire table when not in use.
Great job Ramsey!
The fire pit below had the wrong type of burner let alone the location of the burner.
The burner must be with in 2" of the ultimate top of the surface of the fire pit. Filling the pit with gas and then trying to light it? Nothing good can become of this. We installed a #304 stainless steel "H" burner, covered it with crushed lava (1/4" / 3/8") over the larger lava rock. This is what keeps it from trickling to the bottom. Them we topped it with Starfire base glass. Then Eric is trying to decide which colors/ topper he should add if any at all.
Wrong type of burner above.
Our "H" burner below. Watch the flame pattern as the crushed lava covers the burners.
Now for the big decision, more colors and which ones?

Las Vegas Yard Crashers!
This will air in April of 2010!
Here is a preview

This is what was done on the first day. I showed up on the beginning of the second and the final day. It's amazing what can take place in just 12 hours!

Above the pavers were installed the day before.
Below is the patio with the outdoor kitchen set aside for now.

Above is where the outdoor kitchen will reside later.
Even the palm trees were brought in! There was nothing on the site when it started the day before.

Below Ahmed was leveling the ground around the fire pit area. Ahmed worked all day, much harder than anyone else! I was very impressed how hard he actually works to get the show done.

Below is where the propane fire pit will sit. The controller will be mounted to the side of the concrete base after the paper tubes are cut away.

Above and below you can see the inside of the planter is coated to prevent water from leaching out.

Above you can see on the ground that we brought the fire bowl in. Just so you know it was about 300 lbs!

Above and below you can see outdoor kitchen. The trough coming out is actually water fall spilling into a dry creek bed below. The water feature was covered with a glass top making it a dining area as well. On the inner wedges they wrapped rope lights to accent the water and rocks under the glass top.

Above and below you can see the sand was installed as a base for the artificial grass to come.

Above they are compacting the sand for the grass to be installed.
Below Ahmed is finishing the dry creek bed.

Below the grass is installed.

Below the dry creek bed is finished and the grass is now installed in the back are as well.

Above is our fire bowl on propane. We used Starfire base glass with Ice and Diamonds on top. We brought out several colors of diamonds for the customer to pick and choose bur she liked them all so much, she installed every last one!

Below you can see after everything was cleaned up how spectacular it turned out!

We are to feature several more episodes with Yard Crashers and we will be showing several more of our new product lines on their shows. We still have several shows we need to post pictures of what we did. Please come back from time to time to see our latest updates.
I thank Ahmed and the producers of the Yard Crashers for giving us the opportunity to work with them.
Thanks to Tiffany, Krystal and Holly at the Idea Factory!
Idea Factory produces Yard Crashers for the DIY Network
"Click HERE for the DIY Network/ Yard Crashers Site!"
The fireplace below belongs to Todd. As you are going to see one great before and after transformation.
He used an 1/8" Clear base with Starfire on top. Then he added Red R Topper, Black Luster Topper and a few Clear Diamonds.

Out with the old and in with the new!