1/4" Evergreen Reflective1/4" Evergreen Reflective

The fireplace below has evergreen, evergreen reflective and topped with Ice.
Before and after, big difference?

The 6 pictures are of green, green reflective, a 2" install with lava rock filler and is a self install

The fire pit below is in Boise! It has
Evergreen and Reflective
Azurlite and Reflective
Ford Blue and Reflective. Looks great.

Makes me want to go to Boise!
The indoor fire table below has:
Bronze, black, emerald green, reflective green, black reflective and gold

The fire pit below has a clear base, and 3 lbs of each of the following, starfire, azurlite reflective, 1/2" bronze, 1/4 bronze, evergreen reflective, gold, black reflective.
Below we have the fire pit that we installed for Reba! In Nashville Tennessee.
Here is her stainless steel fire pit pan as we manufactured it for propane with electronic ignition.
Below is a 36" aluminum pan burner for propane with a 3" outside lip. These can be made to fit any fire pit, fire table of fire fit for natural gas or propane. We can build anything! This pan has a thermo-coupler for safety and air mixer built in to eliminate soot.
Now here is the fire pit with evergreen, evergreen reflective, blue green and blue green reflective installed. We also drifted withe the camera and took a few shots of the back yard on the river in her back yard. Enjoy. You can also visit www.reba.com for some real cool information and pictures.
The fireplace below has evergreen and reflective, emerald green topper, pink rosa, azurlite, cobalt blue topper, olive green topper, green diamonds and blue tubes toppers. They had use their existing pan burner which was a double burner and worked out just fine. 

The fireplace below was on one of Kenneth Brown re-Design episodes, we weren't told which one, oops! Anyway the glass that was install was Evergreen and Evergreen Reflective.

link below to the Re-Design HGTV website:
Kenneth: Thank you for all of your support and help. Ed
Price: $7.15[View Details or Buy Now]