General Questions
Q: Does the Aquatic Glassel tempered glass product produce heat?
Answer: Yes. The glass itself does conduct heat and allow an open flow of heat to warm your home. This product produces more heat than gas logs and is far more efficient primarily due to there being nothing blocking the heat from warming your home.
Q: What if I don’t know my fireplace dimensions; can I still order your product?
Answer: Yes. The amount of glass for each fireplace varies depending on size and fill depth. Full size fireplaces within the home have a 36" long x 18" deep x 3" fill level and take about 90-100 pounds of glass. We find that average size fireplaces (36"x 18 deep x 3") take 100 pounds. Any excess glass ordered can be returned for full refund and credit anytime within 30 days. Click here to go to the calculator page.
E.G. 18" x 36" x 3" = 1944, 1944 divided by 231 = 8.42 x 12 = 100 lbs this is the 3” method
E.G. 18" x 36" x 2" = 1296, 1296 divided by 231 = 5.61 x 12 = 67 lbs this is the 2” method
For fire pits
E.G. 30" round
30" x 30" x 1 1/2" = 1350, 1350 divided by 231 = 5.84 x 12= 70 x .8 = 56 lbs
Click here to go to the sample-pricing page.
The base of this should be filled with either crushed lava rock or pea gravel to minimize on the cost.
The lighter the glass color, the thicker the glass to cover to insure you don’t see the filler below (unless you can use a lighter filler).
Q: What makes your product so unique?
Answer: The Aquatic Glassel product is the only real product on the marketplace that: burns clean, produces no odor, no pollution, no mess ever, not sharp (patent pending process), environmentally safe, affordable, easy to assemble and install, instant romance and ambiance and interchangeable colors. The specially processed glass will not produce soot, change colors or degrade. It has brought warmth and elegance to all of our customer’s homes. How is that for a start?
Q: I rent my home. Can I remove the glass?
Answer: Yes. We have hundreds customers who rent but desire the ambiance and warmth of a fireplace. Aquatic Glassel is easily removed and is clean. One may transport the product to and from multiple fireplaces and households. But you may want a different color later in life.
Q: As a homeowner will these products increase the value of my home?
Answer: Yes. Each and every homeowner who has purchased this product considers this a home improvement. Our product is marketed in model homes as an upgrade to gas logs. Several real estate agents offer our product as value added home upgrades
Q: Can I use your glass product in an outdoor fire pit?
Answer: Yes, absolutely. This product is used in several outdoor fire pit applications and is easily cleaned simply with water. The evening brilliance is spectacular.
Q: Can I use my existing gas pipe or do I need to buy new pipe?
Answer: After removal of the components you may use your existing burner pipe if your pipe is not rusted and displays an adequate flame. However, we feel you need to install a new burner pipe to increase your heat efficiency and to create a custom or brilliant flame. We suggest you consider other configurations of burner pipes.
Q: What is the difference between your glass and other glass?
Answer: The most obvious difference is our glass is specially processed tempered (patented process). Beyond that answer the difference between ‘our’ glass and ‘other’ tempered glass is.... we can't say. Our glass is a real product and not misrepresented as some others are! It has been an ongoing issue of
Q: What if I order too much glass, can I return it?
Answer: Yes. One may return any excess glass to the distributor or directly to the company for immediate credit.
Q How many colors do you offer?
Answer: Hundreds! We have the product in crystal clear, bronze, gray, dark gray, black, clear, blue, green, dark blue, darkest blue, dark green, silvered (sterling coated), gold coated (chromium coated), and many more being developed each and every week. Available in six different sizes. Many of our customers like to mix the colors to create many different combinations. The availability of colors varies depending on orders and different specifications.
Q: Can I add or change colors?
Answer: Yes. You may add create or mix colors at anytime. We have several customers who purchase multiple colors to interchange within the same fireplace.
Q: Is the burner pipe completely covered?
Answer: Yes. The burner pipe is completely covered with glass so it is not an eyesore for the customer. The processed tempered glass naturally scatters the natural gas emitted from the pipe to safely create dazzling and unique controlled flames.
Q: Can you add more than one burner pipe?
Answer: Yes. Most of our fireplace owners who have large fireplaces install multiple burner pipes to create custom flames.
Q: What do I do with my existing gas logs?
Answer: What ever you wish to do. Garage sales, hand-me-downs, or trash are the most common uses for the outdated product. Just keep in mind “Has anyone ever told you nice logs?” We don’t think so.
Q: Does this product only work in gas fireplaces?
Answer: No. We have hundreds customers who use this product with propane gas sources including natural gas and propane outdoor fire pits.
Q: Can I convert my wood-burning fireplace to gas?
Answer: Yes. We have hundreds customers who have called a contractor or plumber and have installed a standard natural gas or even propane source to their fireplace. This is not an uncommon home improvement and the cost is reasonable.
Q: What other products do you sell?
Answer: At this time we have seven product lines available:
Aquatic Glassel (polished)
Aquatic Glassel (for fireplaces)
Aquatic Glassel Toppings.
Aquatic Glassel Toppers
Aquatic Glassel Drops
Aquatic Glassel Ice
Aquatic Glassel burner systems, (propane and natural gas)
We offer over 400 products for the Fireplace and Hearth industry and continue to add more products to broaden our line of products.
Q: Can I use ordinary glass in my fireplace?
Answer: No. Ordinary glass or even typical tempered glass will blacken almost immediately. Laminated windshield glass will both blacken and melt. Be careful not to place products in your fireplace that you are unfamiliar with. For example, tempered windshield glass has plastic in it and will generate a most annoying odor that can create a toxic poison!
Q: Do I need sand in the bottom of my fireplace?
Answer: No. This is a good question. The Aquatic Glassel tempered glass pieces act as a natural medium to scatter the gas in random order, thus, creating unique flames. One does not need sand unless one has noisy gas pipes or burner pipes and the sand can act as a’ muffler’ and allow the user to increase gas with less noise. You can use a small piece of steel wool inside the pipes to muffle the whistle if you have one. We do recommend you to use lava rock or pea gravel for at least half of you base to save on the expense on the Aquatic Glassel.
Q: Can I take your glass product with me if I move?
Answer: Yes. We have several customers who rent or even purchase this as a tool to sell their home. One of the product benefits is that one can remove the entire product configuration within 30 minutes safely without risk of dirt and filth.
Q: Will the Aquatic Glassel product work with propane?
Answer: Yes. However, when one uses propane in one’s fireplace it is very important to be sure the bottom of the fireplace is sealed completely as propane gas has a tendency to sink whereas natural gas tends to rise. A safety alternative would be to use a’ pan’ in the bottom of your fireplace with your burner pipe to deflect the propane gas upward. Never use Propane unless there is a thermo couple installed as this is a safety device not to be ignored!
Q: Is your product odorless?
Answer: Yes. One of the many product qualities and attributes is that there is no odor whatsoever and the product burns cleanly without any degradation at all.
Q: Can I cover my gas inlet with the Aquatic Glassel tempered glass?
Answer: Yes. Most all of our fireplace owners who install Aquatic Glassel make every attempt to cover the gas inlet. This is optional as it does not increase the cost of your system much by increasing the amount of glass purchased, as you should consider a filler under the glass and this will intern save you money.
Q: Can I use Aquatic Glassel glass products with gas logs?
Answer: Yes. However, we ask you to consider the décor of your home as the gas logs used with our product is typically a contradiction in décor. We have also found that when the logs are placed on top of the glass it does and can cause soot around the edge.
Q: How do I store your glass when I transport it?
Answer: Simple. One may use buckets or any box that accommodates the size and weight of the glass.
Q: Will the glass break any further when in use?
Answer: No. The Aquatic Glassel product will last virtually forever when left within the fireplace. Like all glass products there is a risk of breaking pieces during transport and mishandling. When one re-installs the product after moving there may be some glass sediment or broken pieces at the bottom of your bag.